
As an international enterprise in the automotive services sector we must know and take into account many statutory regulations in Germany and abroad. Consequently we adhere to our corporate guidelines in the moral interaction with colleagues, supervisors, and customers. These include the Formel D Compliance Regulations, Code of Conduct, and Anticorruption Guidelines.

Formel D Orients Itself to Legal Standards

We are the driving force in the Automotive Service Industry. Team-spirited, professional and passionate, we lead the market in the development of concepts and individual, scalable solutions for quality assurance and process optimization along the entire automotive value chain.

Relative to the Compliance Regulations Formel D orients itself to the applicable legal standards. Together we take a stand against corruption and unfair competition.

Compliance, Legal Standards | Formel D

In regular contact with customers our attention is particularly focused on these areas:

  • Gifts or favors
  • Invitation to restaurants or events
  • Advantageous business relationships
  • Secrecy
  • Private businesses
  • Consumption of alcohol and drugs is prohibited

Formel D Preserves Integrity

We expect from our responsible bodies and employees correct conduct in day-to-day business operation and everyday business life. For us integrity is the prerequisite for the reputation and economic success of a globally active enterprise.

Formel D Rejects Corrupt Behavior

We prohibit any type of corruption and reject unlawful conduct. Moreover, we expect from our responsible bodies, and employees that they do not avail themselves of any corrupt or other unlawful practices.

Code of Conduct of the Formel D Group

Supplier Code of Conduct of the Formel D Group

In order to manage this potentially difficult situation and protect you, has assigned Navex Global, an external, experienced service provider, to deal with your concerns anonymously, confidentially and without charge. Navex Global is a completely independent organization with objective personnel who are trained in such sensitive matters. You can telephone in confidence, use the external online portal or send an email to Navex Global, knowing for sure that your message will not be tracked or recorded. Any information you share with Navex Global – anonymously if you so wish – will be forwarded to a Compliance Board made up of the Chief Compliance Officer and the heads of the legal and personnel departments. The Compliance Board will look into the matter without compromising you in any way whatsoever. Once you have submitted a report, Navex Global will send you a unique code number for tracking the status of the report, or for providing further information if you so wish.

To report a suspicious situation or an incident, you can

  • use Navex Global’s external online portal via this link. (Note: New platform WhistleB since April 2024.)
  • contact the Chief Compliance Officer of the Formel D Group directly on:
    Phone: +49 221 67006—379
    (if you choose this option, your anonymity cannot be guaranteed)

Please observe the data protection information attached to this email when reporting a compliance case.

For information about Rules of Procedure and Data protection Information please refer to the following table:

Country Whistleblowing Policy Additional WB Information Data Protection Information
Brazil N/A N/A Download
China N/A N/A Download
Czechia Download Download Download
France Download None Download
Germany Download None Download
Hungary Download Download Download
Italy Download None Download
Romania Download None Download
Slovakia Download Download (External)

Download (EMPL)

Spain Download None Download
UK / US N/A N/A Download


Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions regarding our compliance guidelines.