Verification and Campaign Center Ahlhorn – Professional Services for Finished Vehicles and Vehicle Parts
Plenty of space and know-how for your vehicles. 115,000 m² (1,237,850 ft²) of parking spaces for around 5,750 vehicles, a technology center measuring 1,500 m² (16,146 ft²) with professional equipment and good water, rail and road connections: The Verification and Campaign Center (VCC) in Ahlhorn near Bremen provides a first-class economic environment and offers ideal conditions for the professional handling and logistics of finished vehicles and vehicle parts.
Since 2016, Formel D has implemented successful projects in product development, production and aftersales for vehicles and vehicle parts in the VCC. The performance spectrum in our VCC includes technical and value-creating services as well as logistic services with the highest quality standards. The high area capacity of the VCC enables optimal service for our customers. Moreover, additional location advantages, such as direct rail connection and proximity to important European transit route Autobahns, ensure continuous logistics, and efficient transport execution.
Value-creating Services at the Site
Advantages of our VCC Services at a Glance
Focus on E-Mobility
Electromobility is now at the top of almost every manufacturer’s agenda. Formel D is gradually expanding the Verification and Campaign Center (VCC) into a Competence Center for electromobility services to meet ever-growing customer demand.
Complete High-Voltage Equipment
- 500 m² technical center for electromobility services
- 500 m² ESD-coated work area for vehicles (incl. personnel grounding tester and worktables)
- 9 hydraulic lift workstations (3.5 t bearing capacity, three of which ESD-linked)
- 1 axle alignment stand with driving assistant adjustment for vehicles
- Equipment for moving immobilized vehicles (total weight up to 3.8 t)
- HV release and emergency equipment
Trained Personell for Working on HV Vehicles
- Training acc. to:
- EUP (electrically instructed person) level 1 (100% mechatronics specialists and logistics specialists)
- EFK (electrically qualified person) level 2b (100% mechatronics specialists)
- VEFK (qualified electrician) level 3
- Battery specialists
State-of-the-art IT Infrastructure and ERP system
- 100 Mbit connection
- 100 % W-LAN coverage in technical center (warehouse and office)
- ENX-data line
- Mobile scanning via UMTS
- EDI connection to customer systems (for DAG)
- Real-time area managements with monitoring vehicle movement and storage locations
How to Find Us
Our Verification and Campaign Center (VCC) is easily accessible via Autobahn (A1 and A29) and by public transport.