Formel D takes a stand against child sexual abuse
In 2018, 14,410 children in Germany were the victims of sexual abuse. Besides the registered cases, the number of unreported cases is estimated to be around seven times higher according to experts.

Non-profit organization Kobra e.V. has set out to fight sexual abuse against children, youths, and adolescents by offering therapy for victims and perpetrators as well as focusing on preventive measures. Day care centers are using prevention boxes that convey the topic in a playful and age-appropriate way, explaining when and how children can recognize wrongful actions and how they can help themselves and others.
Elementary schools offer the POWER CHILD program, which introduces the topic avoiding any fear-inducing methods. The children learn to differentiate between a loving touch and inappropriate assault and to clearly say “no”.
We sponsor these projects in cooperation with our partner Star Care e.V. “With our donation, we want to take a stand and create additional therapy possibilities for children, youths, and adolescents and their families. We often hear about cases of sexual abuse in the media and believe that even one victim is one too many. This is why we chose to support this organization’s valuable work,” says Anna Zajonz-Bielicki, who is responsible for CSR projects at Formel D.
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