Bonjour, Formel D!
Formel D now offers its extensive product portfolio also from its own branch in France. The headquarters of the newly opened French subsidiary is in Perpignan.
This makes France the twentieth country in which Formel D is represented with a national subsidiary of its own. “Our commitment in France is an important part of our global growth strategy,” says Dr. Jürgen Laakmann, CEO at Formel D. “We want to support our customers worldwide and are glad that we can now realize this in another important automobile nation.”
The experienced expert Claude Roy has held executive positions at various companies in the automotive sector in the past and now has the post of Director Operations of Formel D France. “The French automotive landscape offers great potential,” Roy emphasizes. “I am looking forward to helping to build up the Formel D presence in France and carrying out successful projects here in conjunction with our customers.”
Formel D and its teams have already realized the first projects at the site. It is of advantage here that the Group supports numerous customers in the nearby southwest of Germany and can therefore fall back on a good infrastructure and a functioning network.
The establishment of new projects now opens up completely different opportunities, however. In other words, the service provider has a good starting position from which to give optimum support to French OEMs and suppliers as of immediately.
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