Professional Hotline Support – Service Management and Technical Support for German Premium Manufacturer
One-stop solution for professional hotline support. Since 2015, Formel D has been active in the fields of service management and technical support for a German premium manufacturer. The Group assists the automotive manufacturer with its comprehensive system knowledge and experience and helps to increase customer satisfaction.
As part of its hotline support, Formel D is currently responsible for over 750 workshops of the OEM in Germany. In addition, the experts provide first-level support for all workplaces in the D-A-CH-region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) as well as second-level support in the field of carsharing. For example, the ever more complex software used in the car showrooms of the manufacturer for all processes, from customer acquisition and support to any necessary repairs, requires reinforced efforts to ensure that good service is provided in the future too. Formel D employees also use the hotline to support their customers in terms of hardware and software, networks, interfaces and frontend as well as backend systems.
Identify – Understand – Solve

The increasingly complex technologies require Formel D experts to have a high degree of technical understanding and several years of experience in the specific IT areas concerned. First, the employees of the service provider cluster all requests made using a web-based ticket system. Then they process these at their own site in Munich with the help of a knowledge database or by calling the customer back. Once the problem has been identified, it can be remedied by telephone or email in most cases. If corrective maintenance proves especially complicated, remote support allows the software technician to access the software directly in spite of the distance. After actively leading the customer through the diagnostic process, the Formel D expert uses remote access to carry out the necessary configurations and operating steps until the problem has been solved successfully. This way, Formel D speeds up the testing and repair process while allowing the customer to save resources.
Focus on Comprehensive Service

With its centralized service, Formel D helps relieve the pressure on the downstream service groups and developers of the manufacturer. All employees working on the project have comprehensive expertise with regard to problems concerning the passenger car sector as well as a high affinity for IT. Also, a hotline server structure enables a 100-percent response quota for incoming calls. “The server accepts all requests made by telephone and uses an intelligent distribution system to send them on to the employees who are logged in. This allows the customer to contact us at all times – no matter what time or day it is,” explains Thomas Schröder, Project Manager at Formel D. The customers of Formel D include the BMW Group, for which Formel D works as a quality service provider at various sites.