QCC Support for Yamaha Motorcycle Production in Brazil
The Brazilian motorcycle market is on the upswing: Almost 15 percent more motorcycles were sold in 2019 than in the previous year. Yamaha Motor da Amazônia, one of the largest manufacturers, has relied on Formel D’s Quality Confirmation Center (QCC) for its production since 2019.

Since October 2019, Formel D has been supporting Yamaha on the client’s premises in Manaus in northern Brazil with approximately 40 employees in the quality and supplier management divisions. The customer receives comprehensive solutions for warehouse management, creation of 8D reports, and supplier logistics. Through targeted, process-related quality monitoring, the service provider ensures that parts and system suppliers can produce and deliver the required quality and quantity on time. If defective parts are delivered, the complaint management is in the hands of Formel D – of course, always in close coordination with Yamaha. “We send our client daily status updates so they can be aware of everything that’s going on at all times,” says Fabio Ramos, Technical Director at Formel D Brazil. “With just a few clicks, they can get a quick overview of the current parts supply, the performance of individual suppliers, and the complaint status at any given time.”
- In addition to our services in quality and supplier management, we also have the opportunity to support customers with our expertise in other areas such as development and aftersales.

Since there are plenty of other OEMs and suppliers all around Manaus in the state of Amazonas, the region plays a strategically important role for Formel D. “In addition to our services in quality and supplier management, we also have the opportunity to support customers with our expertise in other areas such as development and aftersales,” says Ramos. Formel D Brazil was founded in 1996 and is represented with its own two locations in the southeast of the country – in Sorocaba and in São Bernardo do Campo near São Paulo.