Formel D 公司信息:数据和事实

自 1993 年成立以来,Formel D 不断发展、壮大,并成功成为制造商和供应商的可靠合作伙伴。 以位于德国科隆的总部为中心,我们在全球开发通用的质量保证流程。 我们与上万名员工一起,在您需要的地方为您实施解决方案, 从第一天起,就陪伴在众多客户身边, 我们的服务将在各个方面为您提供支持——从产品开发、生产直至售后。

The Group’s headquarters are located in the metropolis of Cologne. Dr. Thomas Klukas, CEO, is the chairman of the company’s executive board. 3i Group became the majority shareholder of Formel D in July 2017. CITIC Capital, also holds a share in Formel D.

Founded in 0
Over 30 years of experience
0+ employees
from 45 nationalities
0+ subsidiaries
in 21 countries
0 million euros
Turnover in 2020
Around 50:0
Our revenue is divided almost equally between manufacturers and suppliers
  • 我们服务于汽车制造商和供应商。我们是价值链中积极主动、不可或缺的一部分。

最优服务——ISO 认证
